My favorite thing about Robotics class? Its not about reading. This is not a class about the words used to describe engineering. This is a hands on class. A class where you get to work things out for yourself, learn problem solving skills, and show off your creativity and smarts in a whole different arena than the typical classroom.
I know reading is fundamental, and I read to and with my kids every night, (and I risk being run out of town for suggesting I like something for kids that doesn’t emphasize reading). That being said, there are many ways to learn and stretch that brain power, and sometimes its great to have a learning tool that has nothing to do with reading.
With robotics, kids get to build it, show it off, discuss it with their friends. Plenty can be learned from “playing” with complex toys.
There is nothing like the joy of figuring it out for yourself. There is nothing like Robotics for fun.